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Cardiff Council

Planning for your future: transition plans

​​Transitioning from school to post 16 education and training is an important stage for all learners. If a young person has an additional learning need (ALN) or disability, they will have support to transition from school to further education. 

​What happens after leaving school? 

Most young people in Wales with an additional learning need (ALN) or disability will go on to attend a Further Education (FE) college or training programme. FE colleges provide a wide range of courses to meet the needs of the learner. 

There is tailored support available for all learners with learning difficulties or disabilities. This is called universal learning provision, which could include:

  • sitting at the front of the class, 
  • movement breaks,
  • printing worksheets on coloured paper, or
  • one-to-one support. 

All learners who need additional learning provision in college will need an Individual Development Plan (IDP) to help them transition from school to post 16 education and training. 

An IDP is a legal document which describes a child or young person’s additional learning needs, identifies the support they need and outlines any outcomes that they would like to achieve. 

Choosing a suitable college for young people with ALN 

From year 9 onwards, children and young people with ALN should have the opportunity to discuss future transitions as part of their annual IDP review meeting. Careers Wales and college staff may also attend these meetings to offer support. 

Schools and the council will use the ALN code as their guide when helping the learner choose a college that best meets their needs. The Code states that, wherever possible, young people should be able to attend their post-16 education and training locally. 

In some cases, a learner may not be able to achieve their desired education and training outcomes locally. This might be because their needs are so complex that appropriate local provision is not available. They may then attend an Independent Special Post-16 Institution (ISPI).

Find out more about planning for your future

More guidance can be found on the Cardiff Education Services website​. ​
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