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Cardiff Council

Person Centred Practice and Participation (PCP) and Individual Development Plans (IDPs)

​​​​​​​Person Centred Practice (PCP) Is a way of working together and communicating positively with each other, always with the child or young person at the centre of the process.

The views, wishes and feelings of the child or young person will be at the heart of decision making.

PCP involves using a variety of different tools and methods to develop the child or young person's individual development plan (IDP).

What to think about​

  • Think positive – what strengths does your child have?
  • Think about your child in and out of school.
  • What are your aims for your child and what is important to them? 

What to expect​

  • Every voice is valued, as we all have the opportunity to share our thoughts and feelings.
  • A relaxed and more informal approach.
  • We hope to learn new things about what your child thinks and feels.

What happens next​

  • The information we gather together helps to plan our next steps.
  • Our discussions are recorded in a visual way and we all understand how we will be helping to move things forward.
  • Later on, we will talk together about how the plan is working.

You can visit the Cardiff Education Services website for more information on Person Centred Practice. 

Individual Development Plans (IDP)​

An Individual Development Plan (IDP) is created through collaboration with: 

  • the young person or 
  • child and parent or carer, and 
  • wider agencies that may be involved such as health and social care professionals. 

The individual development plan will say what the child or young person needs to be able to learn. It will set out:

  • what's important to you and for them;
  • a description of their additional learning needs; and
  • what will be done so they are properly supported in school or college and the additional learning provision (ALP) required to meet their additional learning needs.

This plan will be reviewed at least every twelve months.

An IDP can be created and overseen by schools, colleges or the council. Regardless of who maintains the IDP, it is still a legal document and the provision agreed must be carried out by law. 

Over the next three years, Individual Development Plans (IDPs) will replace all the plans we have now, including:   

  • Statements of Special Educational Needs (SEN),
  • Individual Education Plans (IEPs) for learners currently supported through Early Years Action/School Action or Early Years Action Plus/School Action Plus, and
  • Learning and Skills Plans (for learners over 16 attending college).


You can visit the Cardiff Education Services website for more information around Individual Development Plans.


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