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Cardiff Council

20mph speed limits

​​​​The change of default speed limit in built up areas took place on 17 September 2023.

This is a Welsh Government National change which all Local Authorities in Wales must comply with.

The legislation change means all roads have automatically defaulted to 20mph. This means that the maximum speed you can legally travel is 20mph. Some roads have remained at 30mph and these will be signed in the same way that roads with higher speed limits are now.

Any signage that is in place indicating a 20mph limit is being removed and there will be no signage in place to remind you of the speed limit – much in the same way as it is in the current 30mph limits.

Over the next few months, you will see the installation of 30mph signage where appropriate. 

The Welsh Government and Cardiff Council are working closely with GoSafe, the organisation responsible for enforcing speeds in Wales to ensure that motorists are aware of the new default limit. 

These changes apply across Wales and more information can be found on the Welsh Government 20mph pages​.

The project to alter signage is significant and we appreciate your patience whilst this is taking place. There will be a period of ‘snagging’, where signage is checked.​

Resident feedback

We are monitoring the introduction of the 20mph speed limit and asking for your feedback. This includes any requests for changes to be made to the speed limits on particular roads.

We will collect and review feedback for at least 1 year following the speed limit change. We are also expecting an update from Welsh Government on setting speed limits later in 2024.

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