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Cardiff Council

Young persons guide to GDPR

If you are aged 13 or older, from the 25th of May 2018 your powers are changing around how your personal information is handled. There are 6 key rules the holder (i.e companies, organisations and your school) must follow before they can use your details.

Watch the GDPR rap! ​​


Rule 1 – You should be clear when you’ve agreed to giving your details

When you are providing details it should be made clear that you are agreeing to provide them. Forms should no longer have opt-out boxes that you need to uncheck, meaning you have more control over where your details are going.

Rule 2 - You should be told why your details are being collected

What your details are being collected for should be clearly outlined to you before you agree to provide it. This includes why your details are needed and where they will be used.

Rule 3 - Your details should only be used for the reason it was taken for

Your personal details should only be used for the specific purpose you have agreed to. Any other use requires additional consent from you. 

Rule 4 - Your details must be kept up-to-date and accurate

Details you have provided must always be kept up-to-date and accurate and you have the right to request for wrong or incomplete details to be deleted or corrected.

Rule 5 - Your details should not be kept longer than required

Once the details you have provided are no longer required, the holder must delete them. This period should be stated clearly by the holder and automatically delete them when that time has passed.

Rule 6 - Your details must always be handled securely; including protection against unlawful processing or accidental loss, destruction or damage

Your details should always be processed with security being of high importance. The holder should make every effort to make sure your details aren’t lost, stolen, used by another source or accidentally deleted.

If the holder does not follow ALL of the six rules when processing your details, there will be consequences, including fines!

If you are unsure about anything, make sure you ask your parent or guardian, or your teacher before you hand out your personal information. 

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