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Cardiff Council

Census 2021

​The census will take place on Sunday 21 March 2021. You should submit your census on this day, or as soon as possible after.

The census is a survey that is carried out every 10 years. It provides detailed information about the UK population which helps us understand demand for public services.

It is really important that you take part in the census. By taking part, you will help make sure you and your community get the services needed now and in the future. You could be fined up to £1,000 if you do not fill in the census form.

The householder should fill in the census for the household. This is the person who owns or rents (or jointly owns or rents) the property, or the person who is responsible (or jointly responsible) for paying household bills and expenses.

Completing the Census 

This census will be Digital First.

You will receive a letter with a digital access code in early March. You will need to use this code to complete the census online. Where to find your access code.​​​​​​​​​​​​External link opens in a new window

You should submit your questionnaire on 21 March 2021 or as soon as possible after.

Anyone included in a household who wants to keep their information private can complete an individual questionnaire. Request an individual access code.​​​​​​​​​​​​External link opens in a new window

You should answer the individual questions in the household questionnaire for:
  • anyone who lives with you permanently or counts your address as their family home
  • people temporarily away from home, for example students or school children boarding away
  • people staying with you temporarily if they live in the UK and have no other address
  • people staying with you temporarily from outside of the UK who are staying in the country for three months or more

There’s also a separate section to fill in on visitors who are staying with you overnight on 21 March 2021.

In England and Wales, the census is currently undertaken by the Office for National Statistics (ONS). The safety of your information is their top priority. You cannot be identified in the statistics they publish. The personal information you give them is protected by law.

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