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Cardiff Council

Social services and wellbeing (Wales) act 2014

​The Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act is a new law that will give you more of a say in the care and support you receive. 
The emphasis of the new law will be on promoting independence and empowering people by providing access to the right information, advice and assistance. 

Who will be affected?

The act will affect:
  • ​Adults

  • Children

  • Carers

  • Health and social care professionals


Key aims of the Act

With more people needing care and support in Wales, the country needs a sustainable model for delivering social services. This will involve local authorities, health boards and the third sector organisations working in partnership to provide information, support and deliver services to those in need. 
There will be more services available to prevent problems getting worse, so the right help is there when you need it. 
The act will:
  • ​make life better for people and their carers

  • make social care law easier to use

  • give people a stronger voice and more control

  • make sure people get the help they need to lead a good life

  • say what social services will be like all over Wales

  • make sure communities have a chance to offer their knowledge and experience

The act will also introduce stronger powers to keep children and vulnerable people safe from abuse or neglect.
A new assessment process for care and support will be based on what matters to the individual. It will consider personal strengths, support available from family members, friends and others in the community.  

For more information please visit the Welsh Government website​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​External link opens in a new window.​​​

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