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Cardiff Council


Children’s care services

Find out about the services we provide to support children and families.

Child disability

How we help families with disabled children to support their health, education and wellbeing.​


Information about becoming a foster carer and providing a stable family life for children and teenagers in Cardiff.


The agencies you need to contact for information about adopting a child in Cardiff.

Young carers

Support available for children and young people under the age of 18 who look after another person.

Cardiff Family Advice and Support​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​External link opens in a new window

Advice and information on a range of childcare options and activities for children aged 0-20 years, their families and their carers.

Cardiff Youth Justice Services

How we work in partnership with young people and families to reduce youth crime and anti-social behaviour.

Additional Learning Needs​

Information, advice and support for parents of children with special educational needs.

Friends 4 U - Befriending schem​​​​​​​​​e​​

Offering friendship and support to young people between 7 and 18 years of age who are involved with Cardiff's children's services.

Direct Payments

Greater control over the support you receive by paying for your care services directly.

Supported Lodgings

Find out how you can support a young person who is leaving foster care or facing homelessness.

Young People on Safeguarding

View our six goals for our Young People on Safeguarding plan.

© 2022 Cardiff Council