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Cardiff Council

Travel support for pupils with additional learning needs (ALN)


The Independent Travel Training Scheme (ITTS) aims to give young people with additional learning needs (ALN) key skills and confidence to travel independently using public transport.

To be eligible for the scheme, the young person needs to:

  • live in Cardiff,
  • be 19 or under,
  • have an Individual Development Plan (IDP) or statement, and
  • be eligible for free school transport, whether they use it or not.

If a young person does not meet the criteria, we may still be able to support them through parts of the academic year. 


The young person and the trainer will work together over 3 stages. Training will take place once a week as agreed with the parents or guardians and the young person. The travel training team will let the school transport team know which day the young person is training.​

Accompanying - stage 1

In the morning, the trainer will accompany the young person from their home address to school, college or ALN provisions. In the afternoon, the trainer will accompany the young person from school or college to their home address.

This stage focuses on:

  • increasing confidence whilst travelling, and
  • making sure the young person knows the route.

Shadowing - stage 2

This stage allows the trainer to shadow the young person on their journey. They can then assess skill levels. Until the young person is comfortable enough to move on to the next stage, the trainer will continue to accompany them.

Meet and greet - stage 3

At this stage, the trainer will meet the young person at certain locations on the route. For example, bus stops and school gates. 

​Once the young person is confident, the trainer will let them travel the whole route independently. The trainer will inform parents or guardians that the young person has arrived safely, after meeting them at the gates. 

Training will continue until the young person can travel independently. 

Once they are confident to travel on their own, they can apply for an annual pass to get around the city. 

We offer training to groups of young people with ALN who may not be eligible for 1 to 1 training. 6 sessions will take place during school time and focus on: 

  • planning journeys from school to Cardiff city centre,
  • planning journeys to college,
  • road safety,
  • appropriate behaviour, and
  • practicing using public transport.

The trainers have a range of lesson plans and resources which can be delivered to groups of 2 to 8 young people. The trainers will tailor the sessions to suit every group. We recommend group sessions from year 6 to year 11.

If you think this training would help a child or young person, please complete the application form:

Apply for the Independent Travel Training Scheme


If you would like to find out more about the scheme, please contact us.


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