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Cardiff Council

Cardiff schools


Contact or find a school

There are two different ways to find contact details for our schools and governors.

If you wish to contact a governor, please contact the headteacher or write to the chair of governors at the school’s address.


You can search for a school​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Link opens in a new window by:

  • location,
  • type,
  • Cardiff ward,
  • Head teacher’s name,
  • language (Welsh, English or bilingual), or
  • by part of the address.

Catchment areas

A child does not need to live within the catchment area of a school to be eligible to attend the school. 

Which school catchment areas do I live in?​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Link opens in a new window 

Enter your postcode to see which catchment area you live in. The results will show catchment area information for:

  • English-medium community Primary schools
  • English-medium community Secondary schools
  • Welsh-medium community Primary schools
  • Welsh-medium community ​Secondary schools

You will need to enter your home postcode to complete the search. If your child lives with more than one parent, please use their main address.

A new primary school Ysgol Gynradd Groes-wen Primary School is opening in September 2023.  Located at the Plasdŵr development on land South of Llantrisant Road, the new school will serve parts of north-west Cardiff. A catchment area is yet to be established.

The school will be a dual stream school organised as one-form of entry offering Welsh-medium education and one-form of entry offering a dual language model – 50% English-medium education and 50% Welsh-medium education.

Applications for admission to the 2023/24 Reception class at the school opened in November 2022. Nursery applications for September 2023 can be made in January 2023. Pupils in school Years 1 and 2 will have the opportunity to apply to the school from April 2023 for admission from September 2023.

Find further information on the Ysgol Gynradd Groes-wen Primary School website.

A new English-medium community primary school, Howardian Primary School, was established in Penylan in September 2015. A catchment area for the school is yet to be established.


If you need more information or advice on catchment areas, please contact us.  

Number of pupils at Cardiff schools (NOR)

Numbers on roll (NOR) is the term used to refer to the number of pupils enrolled in each school.

The last NOR survey took place in May 2022​.

Note on quality of data: Whilst most of the usual data validation processes on the January 2020 NOR data have taken place, due to the coronavirus pandemic, the data did not undergo the usual final validation process. More caution should therefore be used when comparing against previous NOR, in particular where significant differences are identified or small cohorts are involved.

Further to the ongoing pandemic, May 2020 and January 2021 NOR figures were not collected.

​​​The information in these documents has been designed for print. This format may not be fully accessible online.​


Academic Year 2021/2022

Academic Year 2020/2021

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