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Cardiff Council

The vision for Cardiff

In summary, our Strategy for the next ten years will:


  • make sure schools are in the right place, are the right size, are funded appropriately and are 21st Century buildings with excellent and fit for purpose ICT facilities
  • provide efficient and effective integrated services, join together Infant and Junior schools and establish secondary schools which deliver a comprehensive 14-19 curriculum
  • focus on reducing known links between disadvantage and educational achievement
  • meet the growing need for Welsh-medium provision across Cardiff for mainstream and Special Schools and deal with surplus places
  • promote collaboration, networking and the development of 'Learning Communities'
  • place schools at the heart of their communities with a shared responsibility for all children and young people in the area
  • drive up standards in education through the use of new technology and innovative teaching methods


The key recommendations of our Programme will:


  • reduce surplus places and generate savings which will be reinvested in education
  • create additional Welsh medium places
  • create additional places in a small number of English-medium primary schools to meet the growth in population
  • reduce backlog maintenance costs significantly
  • create 3-11 primary provision for all schools in Cardiff
  • upgrade secondary and primary schools to meet 21st century standards in teaching and learning
  • provide efficient sustainable schools in line with Cardiff's Carbon Lite Strategy
  • extend the opportunities for combining schools and where appropriate integrated services to strengthen the community focus of schools
© 2022 Cardiff Council