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Cardiff Council

Providing information

​If you have received a request for information from the waste enforcement team, you will need to complete the form and return it to us.
We may send you a form if we have found:

  • your recycling or waste on the highway on the incorrect day or time, or 
  • your bins / bags / sacks contain incorrect items. 

This is called a standard enquiry.

We may also send you a form if we see someone littering from your vehicle. This is called a Vehicle enquiry.
If the condition of your front garden or rear garden, or other privately owned land starts to have a negative impact on the area you will receive a S215 notice from us.
Please make sure you have your reference number and provide all the information we have asked for.

The information you give on these forms will be recorded and used as evidence.

Your completed form will be returned to the officer responsible for your case. They may need to get in touch with you for further information.

Officers will be unable to discuss the case further with you until you have provided all the information they have asked for.
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© 2022 Cardiff Council