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Cardiff Council

Zonal parking permits

​​Zonal permits apply to some resident parking areas in Cardiff.

There are different types of parking bays in the zonal parking permit areas in Cardiff.

Resident bays

If you are parking in a resident bay between 8am and 10pm, Monday to Sunday, you need a resident parking permit.

Limited waiting bay

You can park in a limited waiting bay for up to 2 hours between 8am and 6pm, Monday to Sunday.

You can park for as long as you like if you have a resident parking permit.

Check street signs to know which permit is eligible and the time restrictions in place .

Pay and stay parking bay

You can park for as long as you want in the Pay and stay parking bays.

All parking is controlled between 8am and 6pm. 

No changes will be made to existing disabled bays as part of this process.

Parking zones​

  • Zone C1
  • Zone C2
  • Zone C3
  • Zone C4​

Apply for a permit 

You may be able to apply for a business permit or community permit.

Blue Permits

If you live in a blue permit parking area, you can park on any street within your permit area. This will be named on the permit.

Check the signs at the entrance of the parking area to know the permit you need to park there.

You cannot park on any other parking restrictions within the permit parking area, such as on double yellow lines.

The blue permit you can apply for depends on where you live.
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