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Cardiff Council

Types of parking permit areas


Check which permit scheme your property is on and how to apply​.

Cardiff’s resident parking is divided in 4 permit areas. 

Red ​

Living in a red street means you can park in any marked resident permit holder only bay or shared use bay on the street named on the permit only.
You cannot park on any other parking restrictions within the permit parking area, such as on double yellow lines.


If you live in a blue permit parking area, you can park on any street within your permit area. This will be named on the permit. 

Check the signs at the entrance of the parking area to know the permit you need to park there.

You cannot park on any other parking restrictions within the permit parking area, such as on double yellow lines.


If you live in a zonal parking area, you can park in any resident permit parking or limited waiting bay named on your permit.

Check street signs to know which permit is eligible and the time restrictions in place.

You cannot park on any other parking restrictions within the permit parking area, such as on double yellow lines.

Learn more about zonal parking permits.​


If you live in a central permit area, you can park in the resident permit holder only bays on the street named on your permit.
You can also park in the permit bays in the nearest adjacent street only.
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