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Cardiff Council

High hedges

You can report any overgrown hedges and trees in a public place, including public footpaths, parks or covering road signs. 

Report it

Problem with a high hedge on a neighbouring property

​If you have a problem with your neighbouring high hedge, contact your neighbour to speak to them and try to resolve it yourself.

You can contact the UK mediation service​​​​​​​​​​​External link opens in a new window for assistance if you cannot resolve the problem yourself. Especially if your neighbour refuses to talk to you or you cannot come to an agreement.

Make an enquiry

You can contact C2C on 029 2087 2087 or email us at​ ​​​​​​​​​​​External link opens in a new window​ for more advice after trying everything possible to solve the problem.

Before making an enquiry

Before making an enquiry about an overgrown hedge or tree problem with your neighbour:

  • speak to your neighbour face to face,
  • contact them in writing, and 
  • inform them of your intention to make an enquiry with us.

Keep copies of letters you send and a diary of conversations you had with your neighbour.

As a last resort after trying everything to resolve the problem, we may ​recommend you to make a complaint against your neighbour if your case meet the acceptance criteria.

The cost of making a complaint is a £330 non-refundable fee if accepted.

For the complaint to be accepted, the hedge or tree must be: 

  • on land owned by someone other than the complainant,
  • affecting a domestic property, 
  • affecting the reasonable enjoyment of the domestic property, 
  • brought by the owner or occupier of that property,
  • made up of a line of 2 or more trees or shrubs,
  • mostly evergreen or semi-evergreen,
  • over 2 metres high from ground level, and
  • acting as a barrier to light or access.

We will then assess your complaint and contact you to let you know if it meets the criteria for a formal complaint.

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