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Cardiff Council

Change of address

​​​​​​​​​It can take up to six weeks to update your account due to the high levels of work we are currently receiving. Thanks for your patience.

​​​​​To make sure you are paying the correct amount of Council Tax we need to know when your circumstances change. 

Please make sure you enter your details exactly how they appear on your bill.

Change of Council Tax address form

Complete this form if you are moving:

  • from one property to another within Cardiff and are liable for council tax at both addresses.
  • outside of Cardiff or are moving into a property where you will no longer be liable for council tax.
  • into Cardiff or are about to become liable for council tax at a Cardiff address.

If you have recently completed a change of address form and are paying by direct debit, any further direct debit payments that go out will be refunded once your council tax account has been updated.

If you cancel your direct debit before your account has been updated, please be aware this will automatically generate a bill for the remainder of the year. We will send you an updated final bill once we have closed the account.

© 2022 Cardiff Council