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Cardiff Council

Difficulty paying your Council Tax

​​​​​​​​​If you think you might have difficulty paying your Council Tax, there are some options available to you:

  • Council Tax Reduction
  • Reductions and discounts
  • Spreading your payments

For further advice please contact us​​.

If you are on a low income, the Council Tax reduction scheme could help you pay your bill. Find out how to claim Council Tax Reduction.​
There are other ways your bill could be reduced. Get more information on Council Tax reductions and discounts
You can spread your payments to run until March instead of January and pay less per month.


If you want to spread your payments, please contact us.


If you currently pay by cash you could switch to direct debit to spread your payments until March.


Set up a direct debit​​​​​​


We will send you an amended bill which will include details of the payments that will be taken from your bank. ​

For further help and advice about your Council Tax, please contact​ us.​

Find out what to do if you have received a summons​ or liability order​.

© 2022 Cardiff Council