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Cardiff Council

Flood Risk Management Plan

The production of this Flood Risk Management Plan (14mb PDF)​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Link opens in a new window is a requirement of the Flood Risk Regulations 2009. The plan sets how Cardiff Council, in its capacity as a Lead Local Flood Authority, will manage the risk of flooding from ordinary watercourse, surface runoff and groundwater over the next six year period. 

Flooding remains a key threat to communities across Wales, and managing this risk through careful planning is important to minimise the risk to communities. 

This FRMP takes forward the objectives and actions set out in our Local Flood Risk Management Strategy.   

This Flood Risk Management Plan will also aim to achieve some of the objectives set out in the Welsh Government’s National Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management Strategy, which provides the national framework for flood and coastal erosion risk management in Wales through four overarching objectives: 

  • ​Reducing the consequences for individuals, communities, businesses and the environment from flooding and coastal erosion.
  • Raising awareness of and engaging people in the response to flood and coastal erosion risk. 
  • Providing an effective and sustained response to flood and coastal erosion events. 
  • Prioritising investment in the most at risk communities. 
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