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Cardiff Council

Cost of living support

Household and energy bills

Find help with your household costs, including energy bills and utilities.

Claiming benefits

Find out what financial support you are entitled to.

Money and debt

Get advice and support to help you manage money and debt.

Warm spaces and food support

Find warm spaces, company, free meals and food to keep you and your family warm and safe.

Housing and homelessness

Find out what support is available to help you with housing and homelessness issues.

Help for older people

Find out about the support available specifically for older people and pensioners.

Education and school costs

Get financial support if you have children at school.

Babies and young children

Help with the costs of having a young family, including support with childcare.

Health and wellbeing

Find out about the range of support available to keep you healthy and help with your mental health and wellbeing.

Jobs and training

Help with finding a job, training, and opportunities to improve your skills.

Support for veterans

Find out what support is available to veterans.

Stop Loan Sharks Wales

Supporting victims and protecting people from illegal lending and related crimes.

Free period products

You can pick up free period products at our Hubs. Find out more.

© 2022 Cardiff Council