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Cardiff Council

No PO No Pay Policy

From 1st May 2018 we will be making some changes how we your handle invoices.

  1. ​We are centralising invoice receipt for the majority of standard purchase orders. From this date, most invoices will be sent to our central Accounts Payable team. Please ensure that you consult the address provided on your purchase orders when sending us your invoice. Invoices sent to the incorrect address will take longer to process.

  2. We are enforcing our No PO No Pay Policy. From 1st May 2018, invoices received without a correct and valid purchase order number quoted will not be paid. These will be returned to you, and you will be required to contact the requisitioner you took the order from to obtain a purchase order number. This is a key financial control measure for the Council, ensuring that all spend is correctly authorised in our ERP system. This also helps to speed up the processing of invoices.

For further information, please see the Commissioning and Procurement Policies, Procedures and Guidance​ page.

Where instructed on the purchase order, invoices should be sent to: 

For queries regarding your invoices, please contact:
© 2022 Cardiff Council