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Cardiff Council

Welsh Language

As part of Cardiff Council’s Bilingual Cardiff ​vision, we strongly encourage and recommend that applicants use Welsh and English signs, notices and displays wherever possible. Through our Bilingual Cardiff Strategy 2017-2022​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Link opens in a new window our vision is to develop a truly bilingual capital city.

There is a strong business case for companies to use the language and there is more support than ever before to help businesses, large and small, to do that easily. The Welsh Government has a ‘Welsh for Business’ scheme which provides support, resources and advice to businesses including free translation service. For further information, please visit GOV.UK​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​External link opens in a new window
When designing and displaying bilingual information, please ensure that the Welsh language is treated no less favourably, giving regards to:

  • the visual presentation of material (for example in relation to the colour or font of any text)
  • the size of the material
  • the position and prominence of the material in any public place
  • when and how the material is published, provided or exhibited
  • the publication format of material.

For further information, please contact

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