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Cardiff Council

Roads and highways licences

​​​​​Advertising 'A' Board Permits

Apply for a permit to place a portable advertising board on the Public Highway.

Crane, Cherry Picker and Mobile Platform licences

To place cranes and wires over the highway during works you must have a licence

Street cafe licence

To place tables and chairs on a public highway you must have a licence

Building projection

For building projection over a highway you must have a licence

Hoarding licences

To place hoarding on a highway you must have a licence

Scaffolding licences

To place scaffolding on a highway you must have a licence

Skip permits

Skip companies need to register with us before applying for a permit to place a skip on the highway.

Containers, Welfare Units and Portable Toilets​ Licence

Permissions to use the Public Highway for Containers, Welfare Units and Portable Toilets.

Other roads and highways licences

Basements, bridges, cultivate, Vehicle crossovers.​

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© 2022 Cardiff Council