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Cardiff Council

Planning ahead

It is never too early to plan for your future, or any emergencies that could happen. Planning ahead can help make difficult situations easier for you and your family and means that they can be aware of your wishes. 

You can make a short term plan in an emergency, but you will need to make longer term plans if you or a family member has a progressive illness.

Lasting Power of Attorney

It can be difficult to think about a time when you are no longer able to make decisions. If that time does come, you will need someone to help make those decisions for you.
A Lasting Power of Attorney is a legal document that allows you to give permission to someone you trust to take on that responsibility, and to act on your behalf if you are no longer able to.

You can download a Lasting Power of Attorney form on the Gov UK website or complete the form online.

Contingency plans​

Contingency plans (also known as an emergency plan) can be put in place if something happens to your unpaid carer. For example, sudden illness. ​

If you receive care from others, or you are an unpaid carer for someone, putting together a contingency plan can help you think about some of the situations you may need to plan for. 

If you are receiving direct payment from Adult Services to pay for a personal assistant, you must have a contingency plan in place.

Carer Emergency Cards

Carers Wales provide emergency cards and key fobs for unpaid carers in Cardiff.  If you are an unpaid carer and are involved in an accident or emergency, the card will let emergency workers know that someone relies on you to care for them.





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