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Cardiff Council

Visitor parking

​​​​​​​​If you live in a resident parking area you can buy visitor parking hours through MiPermit. 

Once you have bought hours you will need to register your visitor’s vehicle when they park.

You can buy up to 6 batches of 850 hours. 1 batch of 850 hours will cost £30. You will be able to buy a maximum of 5,100 hours per year.

You will lose any remaining unused hours on your account 1 year after you buy them. If you have used the maximum number of hours, you will not be able to buy more until a year has passed since your first purchase.

You visitor will not need to display anything in their vehicle. 

Log in to MiPermit

To apply for a parking permit you will need to create an account on our MiPermit system.

To create an account you will need to provide:  

  • your full name, 
  • your house number and postcode, and 
  • your council tax number (we need this as proof that you live at the property). 

If you are unable to set up an account online you can call the MiPermit team on 0333 123 6006 for help.  

When you have an account with MiPermit you can buy and manage your permits on the website or through the MiPermit App​.

If you do not know your council tax account number

If you do not know or do not have access to a council tax number please complete a MiPermit account set up application form (116kb DOC)​.​

You can email or post the completed application form to​.​

Parking Services
PO Box 47
CF11 1QB
You will receive an email or SMS with a PIN number that will allow you to apply for your permits online.
​You can allocate hours up to 2 weeks in advance and you can use up to 100 hours at a time. 

To use your visitor hours, log in to MiPermit or use the MiPermit app and click on ‘Manage Digital Permits’. 

Enter your visitor’s vehicle registration, start date and time for the permit and the duration of a visit.

By phone or text message

You can use your visitor hours by calling MiPermit on 0333 123 6006​​.

If you have a mobile phone number linked to your MiPermit account, you can text 616​​00 to use or extend visitor parking hours.

Text ‘VISITOR’ along with your visitor’s vehicle registration and the duration of the stay.

For example:

VISITOR A123BCD 2hours

To extend a visitor permit text ‘EXTEND’ along with the number of hours you would like to extend by.

For example:

EXTEND 2hours

Texts to 61600 will be charged at your network provider’s standard rate.​

© 2022 Cardiff Council