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Cardiff Council

Sustainable Development and Energy

The goal of sustainable development is to enable all people throughout the world to meet their basic needs and enjoy a good quality of life, now and in the future. 

For us this means working towards becoming a sustainable city, where people live long, healthy, and happy lives, whilst living within the Earth's environmental limits. 

Cardiff today is a three planet city. If everyone in the world consumed natural resources and generated carbon dioxide at the rate we do in Cardiff, we would need three planets to support us. This is clearly unsustainable, and our aspiration is for Cardiff to be a one planet city by 203​0.

View our Environmental Statement 2020-2021.


In March 2004 Cardiff became the world’s first Fairtrade Capital City, an award given by the Fairtrade Foundation. The Council has a policy of serving fair trade teas and coffees at meetings and actively supports the promotion of Fairtrade across the city. The Council has representation on Fair Trade Cardiff​​​​​, a local partnership of organisations and individuals committed to raising awareness of fair trade and increasing the purchases of fair trade products across the city.  

Fairtrade offers farmers and producers in the developing world the potential of a secure market, enabling a fair and consistent price for their produce that reflects the true cost of production. It also empowers us as consumers to take responsibility for the role we play when buying products from the developing world.   


We all depend on energy to live our lives; in our homes, at work and to travel. The challenges today are for us to have more affordable energy bills, with the added benefit of reducing our carbon emissions, and working towards having a more local and sustainable energy supply for our city. 

Radyr Weir Hydro Scheme​

We are working on a hydroelectric energy generation scheme that uses the water from the River Taff to produce electricity. Find out more about the Radyr Weir Hydro Scheme​​.

© 2022 Cardiff Council