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Cardiff Council

Making Cardiff a Living Wage City

The Living Wage Places scheme recognises and celebrates the geographical areas that are doing more to expand Living Wage accreditation. They are locations where communities and businesses are working together to tackle low pay within their local area.  

Cardiff has been recognised as a Living Wage City as part of the new ‘Making Living Wage Places’ scheme. A group of prominent Cardiff employers joined forces to form the Cardiff Living Wage Action Group and launched their 3 year action plan to begin ‘Making Cardiff a Living Wage City’. 

Since becoming a Living Wage City, Cardiff has:

  • reached the target of 150 accredited Living Wage employers
  • increased the total number of workers employed by Cardiff-based accredited Living Wage employers to 48,000,
  • seen over 61,000 people in Cardiff now working for a Living Wage employer,
  • achieved 43% of the Welsh total of 345 accredited living Wage employers.


You can read more information and find a list of Living Wage employers on the Living Wage Wales website.​​​​​​​​​​​External link opens in a new window

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